Pineapple Butterfly Tea
As summer approaches, it is essential to enjoy a cup of tea that not only provides a refreshing experience but also offers numerous advantages that enhance bodily functions.
Butterfly Flower: Clitoria ternatea is high in antioxidants & flavonoids, promoting hair growth, boosting the natural production of collagen and elastin, is an anti-inflammatory tea, aiding the digestive system, spleen, and liver and much more.
Lemongrass Benefits: Soothes the stomach and aids bloating, constipation, and indigestion. Can reduce anxiety and irritability. Anti-inflammatory—antioxidants, vitamins, and astringents. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea may strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss. Cholesterol lowers bad cholesterol and maintains healthy triglycerides. Potassium in lemongrass lowers blood pressure and improves circulation. Weight loss—using detox tea to boost metabolism and lose weight.
Ginger stimulates saliva and stomach juices, which relax the stomach and intestines, aiding digestion. Ginger before meals can also speed up system emptying, reducing food sitting time and problems.
Green tea: Studies show it has the potential to help prevent Alzheimer's disease memory loss by improving brain and cognitive function. It may also improve alertness and cognition. Contains antioxidants that may protect the heart, lower cholesterol, improve blood circulation, break down fat, and boost metabolism.
Green tea polyphenols can reduce skin cancer and aging. EGCG, a catechin in green tea, suppresses inflammatory enzymes and cytokines, helping skin and body pain. Boosting the immune system, antioxidants and amino acids in the green tea strengthen the immune system and consolidate T-cells, reducing inflammation and fighting infection.
Organic Lemongrass, Pineapple Bits, Green Tea, Organic Ginger, Blue Butterfly Pea, Spearmint, Stevia Leaves
50-55 cups of tea Cups of tea that are 6 ounces
Yes: Medium due to Green tea.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information was taken from clinical studies. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.